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In the News

Axios logo

Axios, June 20, 2024

ADVANCE Momentum for Nuclear Waste?

Deep Isolation, the company that's developed a novel new nuclear waste disposal technology, hopes Congress' overwhelming support for the ADVANCE Act will lend its efforts some political momentum.

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NuclearNewswire logo

Nuclear Newswire, May 3, 2024

Retrieval of Nuclear Waste Canisters from a Borehole

Deep Isolation has performed two field tests to show that retrieval of nuclear waste packages from a deep borehole is possible using off-the-shelf oil and gas exploration tools. Together, this data and field test results present compelling evidence that retrievability from boreholes can be assured if retrievability is desired for a given period of time.

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Logo for Ignition News

Ignition, Mar 4, 2024

Deep Isolation Is Thinking Ahead

Deep Isolation and its partners have built a first prototype of a nuclear waste disposal canister. It’s an important step toward a working system to safely dispose of spent fuel in boreholes deep beneath the Earth’s surface.

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Nuclear AMRC logo

Nuclear AMRC, Feb 29, 2024

First prototype delivered for Deep Isolation

Deep Isolation and partners including the Nuclear AMRC have completed the manufacture of a full-size prototype canister for the safe geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste in deep boreholes.

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Logo for GeoDrilling International website

Geo Drilling International, Feb 8, 2024

Fermi Energia selects Deep Isolation for spent fuel disposal

Fermi Energia, an Estonian company pioneering the use of small modular reactor (SMR) technology to support energy security and a net-zero energy market for Estonia, has announced that it has selected Deep Isolation’s technology as its solution for storage and disposal of SMR spent fuel.

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Postimees logo

Postimees, Feb 7, 2024

Fermi Energia jätkab tuumajäätmete ladestuskoha uuringut

Eestisse tuumajaama rajamise eest seisev Fermi Energia ja USA radioaktiivsete materjalide ning tuumajäätmete geoloogilise ladustamisega tegelev ettevõte Deep Isolation sõlmisid kolmapäeval koostööleppe jätkamaks põhjalikke uuringuid tuumajäätmete süvapuurauk-tehnoloogial põhineva lõppladustuse rajamiseks Eestisse.

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Logo for Nuclear Industry Council

NIC United States, Feb 7, 2024

USNIC Key Mover Update Fermi Energia selects Deep Isolation as its technology provider for spent fuel disposal

An Estonian company pioneering the use of Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology to support energy security and a net-zero energy market for Estonia, today announced that it has selected Deep Isolation’s technology as its solution for storage and disposal of SMR spent fuel. The two companies today have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) ...

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Deep Isolation, Inc.
2120 University Avenue, Ste. 623
Berkeley, CA 94704