Berkeley, CA – Deep Isolation, a leading innovator in spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level waste (HLW) storage and disposal solutions, has signed a cooperative agreement with NAC International Inc. (NAC), a leading nuclear fuel cycle consulting and technology solutions company specializing in casks and canister systems for nuclear materials transport and spent fuel storage and disposal.
Deep Isolation and NAC will cooperate in the design, development, and manufacturing of Deep Isolation’s SNF and HLW disposal canister technology. Leveraging NAC’s dry fuel storage technologies, the two companies will collaborate to advance the technical aspects of Deep Isolation’s current solution design for canister storage, disposal, and equipment for the transfer of SNF and HLW from existing storage areas to a Deep Isolation repository.
“With NAC’s global leadership and demonstrated canister safety and design expertise, we have an opportunity not only to further develop the safety and quality of our canister technology, but to implement a waste management strategy that covers onsite interim storage as well as handling, transport, and final disposal,” notes Elizabeth Muller, CEO of Deep Isolation.
NAC International is an innovative leader with proven experience in commercial and governmental nuclear material safeguards management, specializing in the design, licensing, and deployment of storage and transport systems. With over 20 years of decommissioning spent fuel management experience, NAC has supplied a large share of the used fuel systems at decommissioning U.S. utility sites. As a contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), NAC has developed and deployed transportable storage systems at DOE sites and has packaged and transported fuel all over the world.
“NAC welcomes this opportunity to work with Deep Isolation and its partners in the development of a safe and efficient integrated waste management solution that is greatly needed by the nuclear industry worldwide,” said Kent Cole, President and CEO of NAC International. “NAC’s technology and knowhow fit well with Deep Isolation’s solution to ensure storage, transport, and disposal objectives are well integrated into efficient waste disposition strategies, tailored to the relative size and needs of each country’s nuclear power program.”
This is the second strategic partnership that the Berkeley-based startup has made in the last 6 months. Earlier this summer, Deep Isolation announced a cooperative agreement with Bechtel National, Inc., part of the largest engineering and construction company in the United States to support Deep Isolation’s sales and engineering capabilities as well as the capacity to deliver its solution around the world.
“In this highly regulated market, it’s critical to bring innovations in waste management through established industry leaders,” comments Rod Baltzer, COO of Deep Isolation. “This partnership demonstrates the impact we are having in this industry and our ability to deliver a storage and disposal solution to governments looking for another option.”
Deep Isolation has gained significant traction this year with a public demonstration of its technology in January, three technical papers published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Energies by MDPI, and most recently the expansion of its business development efforts internationally.
About Deep Isolation
Berkeley-based Deep Isolation is a leading innovator
in spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste storage and disposal solutions.
Founded through a passion for environmental stewardship, scientific ingenuity,
and entrepreneurship, Deep Isolation has developed a patented solution using
directional drilling and inclusive community engagement to safely isolate waste
deep underground.
About NAC
NAC is a leading supplier of fuel cycle consulting and nuclear fuel backend technology solutions, providing full-scope services for used nuclear fuel and radioactive waste packaging, storage, transport, and management. NAC has completed projects in more than 60 countries and maintains its corporate headquarters in Peachtree Corners, GA. NAC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hitachi Zosen Corporation, a global leader in the design and construction of environmental systems, industrial plants, industrial machinery, process equipment, infrastructure-related equipment, disaster prevention systems, and precision machinery.
Press Contacts
Zann Aeck — Deep Isolation
Deep Isolation, Inc.
2001 Addison St, Ste. 300
Berkeley, CA 94704
George Vaughan – NAC International
NAC International Inc.
3930 East Jones Br. Rd., Ste. 200
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092

Deep Isolation answers frequently asked questions about our technology, our process, and safety.